यज्ञ इज्यो महेज्यश्च क्रतुः सत्रं सतां गतिः ।
सर्वदर्शी विमुक्तात्मा सर्वज्ञो ज्ञानमुत्तमं ।।
446. Yajñaḥ:
He is knowledgeable. Whatever is there to know in the universe, he
knows. Hence he is Yajna.
Yat asti tat jaanati iti yajna
Hence we cannot do anything without his knowledge. So whatever we do must
be performed with this thought in mind.
Yajna means sacrifice
It is said, Yajno vai Vishnuh meaning Vishnu and Yajna are the same.
Vishnu is Yajna and yajna is Vishnu.
Yajna can be performed in various ways, but finally, he is the embodiment
of all the Yajnas and is the partaker of all the offerings made in the Yajna.
The Bhagavad Gita 4.25 -4.30 describes 12 different kinds of yajna.
evāpare yajñaṁ yoginaḥ paryupāsate
brahmāgnāvapare yajñaṁ yajñenaivopajuhvati
śhrotrādīnīndriyāṇyanye sanyamāgniṣhu juhvati
śhabdādīn viṣhayānanya indriyāgniṣhu juhvati
sarvāṇīndriya-karmāṇi prāṇa-karmāṇi chāpare
ātma-sanyama-yogāgnau juhvati jñāna-dīpite
dravya-yajñās tapo-yajñā yoga-yajñās tathāpare
swādhyāya-jñāna-yajñāśh cha yatayaḥ sanśhita-vratāḥ
apāne juhvati prāṇaṁ prāṇe ’pānaṁ tathāpare
prāṇāpāna-gatī ruddhvā prāṇāyāma-parāyaṇāḥ
apare niyatāhārāḥ prāṇān prāṇeṣhu juhvati
sarve ’pyete yajña-vido yajña-kṣhapita-kalmaṣhāḥ
Deva Yajna, Brahma Yajna, Indriya Yajna, Mano
Yajna, Atma Samyama Yajna, Dravya Yajna, Tapo Yajna, Yoga Yajna, Swadhyaya
Yajna, Jnana Yajna, Prana Yajna, and Deha Yajna.
Sarvesham devanam tushtikarakah yajnakarena
pravertate iti vaa
He nurtures the deities with the sacrificial
offerings and thus brings them happiness. Hence he is called Yajna.
There are panch maha yajna( brahma Yajna, Pitru
Yajna, Deva Yajna, Bhuta Yajna, Manushya yajna) and sapta paka yajna ( aupasana
homa, vaishva deva, parva sthal paka, ashtaka shraddha, masa shraddha, ishana
bali and sarpa bali
Any karma we perform must be done with the spirit of sacrifice to him.
447. Ijayaḥ:
The one who accepts the offerings of yajna is
Yashtavyah api ayameva iti ijyah
One who is fit to be worshipped in sacrifices.
Ijyam arhati iti ijyah
Though we worship various deities when we
perform a Yajna, in reality, all our offerings are to him and it is him who we
actually worship.
ye 'py
yajante sraddhayanvitah
te 'pi mam eva kaunteya
yajanty avidhi-purvakam
Whatever we offer to
other gods as a sacrifice during the Yajna is actually meant for Him alone, but
it is offered without true understanding.
448. Mahejyaḥ:
Maha ijyah cha
Sarvasu devatasu yashtavyasu prakarshena
yastavyah moksha phala datrutvaat iti mahejyah
We may offer our sacrifices to other deities,
but he is the greatest and only he can give us liberation or moksha. Hence he
is mahejyah
Sarva deva namaskara keshavam prati gacchati
He who, of all deities worshipped, is alone
capable of giving the blessing of liberation.
449. Kratuḥ:
Kriyate iti kra (karma)
Ta means tarayati
To get rid of all our karmas with our karma
itself is like washing muddy hands with muddy water.
He is kratu because he rids us of our karma.
Kratuh also means Sankalpa or will power to
We must always give what is needed, not what we
don’t want.
Also, there is no use giving to someone who
does not need it (apatra) or it is just an addition to his existing things.
What we give selflessly, we attain inexplicable bliss
Kriyata iti kratuh – the one who performs or does is kratuh.
450. Satraṁ:
It means that he protects the satpurushah
Satah trayate iti satrah
He protects the virtuous people who follow the
path of dharma.
One who is of the nature of ordained Dharma.
Huge yajna goes on for days and with many
people called satram
Satram is a kind of sacrifice or yajna which is
carried out for a long duration of time continuously.
Deergha kaala bahu yajamaanaka masachodana
lakshanam satram
We must also perform the yajna of meditating on
him all our life.
Seedati gacchati sarvatra
Seedati is obtained from the root sad, which
means movement. He moves everywhere hence he is sarvatra.
Satrayate vistarayati vishvam iti satram
He makes the universe move. Whatever he has
created is in constant movement.
451. Satāṁ-gatiḥ:
He not only protects the satpurusha but
everything in the universe.
Satam mumukshunaam na anya gatiriti satam gatih
It is him we seek refuge as our last resort.
Hence he is satamgatih
One who is the sole support for holy men who
are seekers of Moksha.
The Bhagavad Gita 7.19 says,
bahunam janmanam
jnanavan mam prapadyate
vasudevah sarvam iti
sa mahatma su-durlabhah
After many births
and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to
be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.
When we perform such a life-long yajna, we get
the position of satam gatih.
452. Sarva-darśī:
Sarva means all
Darshi means to look. It originates from the
root druk which means to see.
One who by His inborn insight is able to see
all good and evil actions of living beings.
Amavasya is also called darsha. We don’t do any
auspicious work pertaining to the worldly karmas on this day. On that day we do
karma related to the Lord.
Ama means together; Vasatah iti vasaya means
Sun and moon reside together, both sun and moon
rise and set at the same time hence it is called Amavasya.
We must perform japa or meditate on sun, and
the moon helps the mind to be stable. The one on whom we must meditate and the
one who helps us meditate are both together on this day.
Sarvesham praninaam kritakritam sarvam pashyati
svabhavikena bodhena iti sarvadarshi
Whatever actions we perform he observes
everything by his all-powerful nature and hence he is sarvadarshih
Jnana chakshur Vishnu bhagwan
Lord Vishnu is the eye
of the universe.
The purusha sukta also
describes him as, sahasra sheersha purusha, sahasra akasha sahasra path.
We may wonder if he is present in us, how can
he observe us? To take an example, when we observe an ocean, there are two
things we see. At the banks we see waves but in the center there are no waves,
so where have the waves come from? Similarly, he stays in us yet observes us.
453. Vimuktātmā:
One who is naturally free.
Svabhavena vimukta atma yasya iti
vimuktashchasau atma cheti vaa vimuktama.
He is a liberated soul. He is also the supreme
soul. He is not bound by anything. Hence he is vimuktama.
The Katopanishad says, vimuktascha vimuchyate.
He is liberated and also liberates us.
Mukhta atma ( jivatma) – vimuktma (paramatma)
We are baddha atma, we have to gain liberation and become muktha atma.
But he is never bound, he’s always free hence he is vimuktatma.
454. Sarvajñaḥ:
Sarvam janati iti sarvajna. He is everything and
also the knower of everything.
Sarvam sampnoshi iti sarva
He finally dissolves everything hence sarva.
But this knowledge (jnana) is known by him,
hence he is sarvajna.
Sarvascha asau jnanshcha iti sarvajnah
The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says idam sarvam
yadayam atam, meaning whatever is there is paramatma.
455. Jñānam-uttamam:
He has the greatest knowledge.
Sarvah paro vaishnavo dharmah jnayate asmin iti
jnanam uttamam.
That consciousness which is superior to all,
birthless, unlimited by time and space and the cause of all achievements.
The Taitriya upansihad says, Satyam jnanam
anantam brahma
Brahma is truth, brahma is knowledge and brahma
is eternal.
Jai Shri Krishna!
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