Monday, 24 August 2020

Verse 21

मरीचि:दमनो हंसः सुपर्णो भुजगोत्तमः ।

हिरण्यनाभः सुतपाः पद्मनाभः प्रजापतिः ।।

dmarīcirdamanō hasa suparṇō bhujagōttama |
hirayanābha sutapāḥ padmanābha prajāpati: ||


189. Marīci:

Marichi means illusion. It also means ray of light. It is also the name of one of the Saptarishis.

Tejaswinam api tejaswat means He is the source of the light.

Mri also signifies laya tattva , mriyate meaning destruction. Whatever has been created also has to be destroyed.


A ray of light comes naturally from sun, hence Sun is the Chaitanya for the world.  Hence Marichi also means He who gives Chaitanya through the rays of the sun.

A water filled cloud is called mari

Mari + chi means the one who gives us rain which is the food for the life on earth .

When we hear a word, it gives us a visualisation of that word. We tend to give it a form. We capture an image in our mind only due to the presence of light.

Light energy helps us in visualisation. The light is referred to as jnana in the Vedas.

The one who gives us knowledge about everything through the light energy, and dispels darkness, is Marichi.


190. Damana:

Damanah means give pain. Pain is given in order to bring about a regulation.

Hence He is the one who inflicts punishments on those who tread the path of unrighteousness is Damanah.

There are two things we have to regulate : the mind and ego.

Mind is wandering. That must be controlled.

Aham (ego) tattva makes us err. All kinds of ego can be subdued but the ego about having buddhi will perish only after death.

Both of these must be controlled.


191. Hasa:

Hamsa means swan which lives in water.

A pair of hamsa is always seen with Brahma. Two hamsas indicate the binding of each other to the world. 


Ham sa ha (destroys) 

The one who removes that binding and gives moksha is hamsah.

 One who removes the fear of Samsara from those who practise the sense of identity with Him.

Hanti gacchati sarva sharireshu iti va hamsah

means, the one that keeps moving through all shariras. Hence it is prana. 

The kriya of Soham means the act of pranayama : inhaling and exhaling

While practising pranayama one must always start with exhalation first – ham, and then inhalation – sa, to reap proper benefits.

Soham japa or breathing happens on its own without any effort all our lives. From our birth to death. Hence it is called ‘Ajapa japa’.

When swan floats in water, it is so smooth that there iso turbulence in water. our breathing should be like that, without any noise.

hamsa ksheera nyaya – a hamsa is said to be able to separate the water and drink only the milk. Hence it indicates the ability to take in the good and leave out undesirable things.

192. Supara:

Su means good; parna  means wings or leaves

Garuda has two wings. Garuda represents the Vedas and vehicle of Vishnu and is an indicator of jnana or knowledge.

One who has two wings in the shape of Dharma and Adharma.

It is called as Vasuparna in Mundakopanishad. It signifies that Jeevatma and Paramatma are both within us.   

It is an aspect of space. 


193. Bhujagottama:

Bhujagah means serpent ; uttamah means the best

A serpent swallows its food whole without chewing it. similarly Time also keeps swallowing us. Hence a serpent is synonymous with the concept of time.

A meaning that is literal is the one who is the greatest among those who move on Bhujas or arms, that is, serpents. The great serpents like Ananta and Vasuki are the powers of Vishnu, so he is known by this name.

This also represents time concept.


194. Hirayanābha:

We have spoken of space, time and prana, now we talk about the point of creation- ie. nabhi 

Hiranya dhooly or gold dust signifies feminine potential. 

From whose golden navel arose the lord of creation Brahmā.

Also, Hitam ramyam iti

One that is both beneficial and beautiful is hiranyam.


195. Sutapāḥ:

Su (good) + tapa (tapas)

Tapah also means fire or a burning desire to attain something.

Sutapah means the burning desire for a good reason being the creation of universe.

Manascha indriyaanaam cha hya ikagrayam paramam tapah

Whenever we perform any actions all our indriyas must be focussed on the goal.

The bhakti roopa can be understood as the one who performs rigorous austerities at Badarikashrama as Nara and Narayana.

Another meaning is - Su (bliss) + ta (speading) + pah (sustenance )

The one who spreads bliss everywhere and sustains the creation is sutapah.

That is why it is also called ‘Sat chit ananda’ . that which is in the turiya state and gives us bliss in the manifested and unmanifested form.


196. Padmanābha:

Padma means lotus which signifies creation and is indicative of jnana or knowledge.  

Nabha is an embodiment of creation


197. Prajāpati:

Prajaanaam patih pitah iti Prajapati

The one who is the father and protector of all beings – the part where creation of universe happened – that is Prajapati Brahma stithi or aparabrahma.


Praja also means jnana.

The one who gives knowledge and protects that knowledge.  

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