Saturday, 15 August 2020

Verse 10

सुरेशः शरणं शर्म विश्व-रेताः प्रजा-भवः ।

अहः संवत्सरो व्यालः प्रत्ययः सर्वदर्शनः ।। 10 ।।

 Suresha sharanam sharma vishva-retah praja-bhavah | 

Ahah samvatsaro vyalah pratyaya sarva-darshanah ||

87. Suresha

Suranaam ishwaraha Sureshah

He is the controller of all the suras or the devatas.

We can also understand it as the one who grants refuge to everyone to takes aashraya at his feet.

There are three ways to surrender to him – Kaya, vaacha and manasa and is known as ‘trikarma shuddhi’

Kaya means the body. We surrender our body to Him.

Vaacha means through our speech. We recognise that he is the doer of all our actions. That eliminates the ‘aham’ bhava or ego in us.

Manasa means through our mind. It could be through meditation or by simply believing that he will give us the energy to accomplish our tasks, he will himself do it for us.   

Thus by this three way surrender we trust that He will grant us refuge, and never leave our hand  and takes away our grief.

88. Sharma

Sharma means extreme happiness or paramananda 

The root word ‘Sha’- means Joy - sham karoti - brings joy


It is said,

Vishva karyam eta iti meaning He is the seed for creation

Vishvasya karnadvat or He is the reason for the creation of Universe.

 पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते । पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते 

This shloka tells us that he remains perfect even after creating the perfect universe.

90. Prajabhava

He is the protector of all his ‘praja’ or subjects, ie. Whatever He has created and keeps them blissful.

Knowledge is the root for happiness. Fear arises out of ignorance.

Hence, He is the one who gives happiness through knowledge 

91. Ahah

It means that He does not abandon anyone.

The word ‘aharnisham’ means day (ahah) and nisham (night). Even when there darkness, he gives us light.

The word can be further split as- aa+ ha 

aa – does not ; ha - harana - destroy

He does not destroy us. In other words, he protects us at all times.


We learnt the aspect of Samvatsara when we read about ‘Kalpa’ 

It is the time aspect of Lord. 

samudharanaya samvasti samvatsara 

He is the one who protects us at all times. 

‘kalatmana ityutsu’ 

He's himself time!

93. Vyalah

It means that it is impossible to hold the Lord in our hands, just like it is impossible to hold the Lion ( it is too ferocious ), the elephant - gaja (it is too big) and the snake (it is too slippery), similarly we cannot hold the lord in our hand - even in the physical plane . 

La means He accepts everything 

Prahalada was the child of a demon, Shabari gave him food tasted by her. Yet he does not differentiate. He accepts what we give him with love. 

94. Pratyahah 

He is the one we can rely on as he will never let go of us. 

Just the ‘pragjnanam’, universal consciousness that he is with us is enough to give us moral support. It assures us that no matter what the difficulties, we will find a way because he is with us.

95. Sarva Darshanah - 

Sarva means everything

Darshana – to see

He is the one who sees everything . 

Purushasuktha describes Him as-

सहस्रशीर्षा पुरुषः सहस्राक्षः सहस्रपात् ।  भूमिं विश्वतो वृत्वात्यतिष्ठद्दशाङुलम् 

Though Sahasra means 1000, but it signifies innumerable which points to the omnipresence of the Universal Being. Hence He can see everything and is present everywhere.

The Taitirya upanishad describes Him as the eyes of the world. 

It is pretty evident that this verse deals with the Lords Omnipresence and that He never lets go of those who have their complete faith in Him. He will never abandon those who surrender at his feet.

Jai Shri Krishna!

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