Friday, 2 October 2020

Verse 54


सोमपो-अमृतपः सोमः पुरुजित पुरुसत्तमः ।

विनयो जयः सत्यसंधो दाशार्हः सात्वतां पतिः ।।

 sōmapōmtapa sōma purujit purusattama |
vinayō jaya satyasandhō dāśārhassātvatāṁ pati ||


505. Sōmapa:

Pa - pibati means to drink.

Soma creeper leaves rasa were given as offering in yajna. This was called soma yajna. The left over soma rasa was consumed by the people participating in yajna as it has medicinal value.

Since the offering is made to the lord, and he partakes our offering, he is called somapah

One who drinks the Soma in all Yajnas in the form of the Devata.

The Sri Suktam says,

Vainateya somam piba somam pibatu vrtrahaa

Somam dhanasya somino mahyam dadatu sominah

If we want the wealth of jnana, we must conquer the maya of the mind.  Drink the thoughts of mind , we achieve the wealth of knowledge of the lord.


506. Amṛutapa:

Svatmamrita rasam piban

He drinks the nectar of immortal bliss which symbolises his own joyful nature.

The nectar is said to have been during the Samudra mathana and bestowed immortality on the devas who drank it. the Lord took the Mohini avatar to protect the nectar from the asuras.

Mohini avatara signifies maya which is the cosmic mind (the minds of all put together, meaning other factors which affect our mind) which pulls us towards it.

He drinks the thoughts of the cosmic mind, hence he is amrutapah. 


507. Sōma:

After the thoughts in the mind and the cosmic mind has been consumed or destroyed what remains is the lord.

Sa + uma Uma refers to shakti (sat) and sa refers to parameshwara (tyat)

It teaches us that the realisation of the Lord is clouded by the thoughts of our own mind and the cosmic thoughts that influence our mind. But once these thoughts are destroyed, all that remains is the thoughts of the Lord.

Soma also refers to moon, which signifies mind. The moon is calm and cool. Hence he is Somah.

It means we must drink the thoughts in our mind and keep the mind in our control.


508. Purujit:

Puru means many or innumerable.

He gains victory over numerous people hence he is Purujit. In every avatar of the lord he conquers everyone. He not only conquers them, he also uses various means to conquer; by his captivating looks, by his valour or by his dharma which is his inherent nature.

Purey shayane. The one who sleeps in this body

The one who has conquered the attachment over this body, and realises that we are not the body, and the rajo and tamo guna is destroyed and only sattva guna remains.


509. Purusattama:

The Lord shows his cosmic form or Vishvaroopa and hence he is Puru and he is the best and the greatest hence he is sattamah. He is Puru as well as sattama hence he is Purusattamah.

 Vishvarupatvaat purh, uthkrishtatvaat sattamah, purushchasau sattamascheti purusattamah

As His form is of cosmic dimension He is Puru or great, and as He is the most important of all, He is Sattama.

He destroys the rajo and tamo guna and increases the sattva guna.



Vinaya means to humility

He subdues or punishes evil ones by making them humble or teaching them valuable lessons and hence he is vinayah.

Vinayam dandam karoti dushtanaam iti vinayah

Also, Vi +naya (neta) means he leads the seekers to the path of dharma hence he is vinaya.


511. Jaya:

Samastani bhutani jayati iti jayah

He is victorious over all beings and hence he is jaya.

The victory is not just over the body but over the heart and mind as well. Hence he is jaya in every sense.

510 and 511. Viniyojyah

Both names can be taken together too.

Vi (good) + niyojyah ( together)

Keeping the Lord together with us whenever we start out on any actions is Viniyojya. It means the Lord must be inclusive in every action of ours. When He himself is with us all our actions are guided by his principles.


512. Satyasandha:

Sat + tyat + sandha (sankalpa or promise)

The promise to follow in the state of sat + tyat ie. Brahma stithi.

Satya sandha sankalpa asya iti satyasandhah

He resolves to follow in the path of truth and follows it up with his actions. Hence he is satyasandha.

The promises he makes are always true and he never goes back on his words.


513. Dāśhārha:

Dasha means charitable offering. Therefore, He to whom charitable offerings deserve to be made.

Daasho daanam tam arhati iti dasharhah

He accepts all our offerings including our sins and if we offer our karma phalas to him, he accepts that and bestows us with liberation.

Daasya – to stay in the brahma stithi we must do complete surrender by kaya vacha manasa, to Vishnu. He is the only one who is capable of accepting our surrender.

Daasharha kulodbhavaat

Yadu vamshis are called dasharha. He is called so as he was born in the race of yadavas (as called by shishupal during yajna by yudhistira when agra puja was being done for Krishna)

Da( to give) + asha ( the desire to gain knowledge- hence Saraswati)

The one who is worshipped by the one who gives knowledge (devotees, jnanis)   


514. Sātvatāṁ-pati:

Sattvan is one who knows the parabrahma or is full of sattva guna. The lord is the master of the sattvatas and hence he is sattvatam patih.


Jai Shri Krishna!

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