गभस्तिनेमिः सत्त्वस्थः सिंहो भूतमहेश्वरः ।
आदिदेवो महादेवो देवेशो देवभृद गुरुः ।।
487. Gabhastinemiḥ:
Gabhasti means a ray or beam of light.
The sun is called Gabhasti. Because when he rises he makes things clear
to us, (visible to us), ga means jnana, he gives us knowledge about things;
basti means he makes them appear by throwing light on them. Hence the sun is called
Nemi means the hub of the chakra or wheel.
Gabastinemi means wheel of radiance
Gabasti chakrasya madhye suryaatmana stithi iti gabhastinemi
He who dwells in the middle of Gabhasti or the Sun and controls it.
He enlightens everything by his radiance and he exists at the centre of
the universe. We must meditate upon him.
488. Sattvasthaḥ:
He presides specially over the quality of sattva guna, which is luminous
by nature.
Sattvam gunam prakashakam pradhanyena adhitishtati iti sattvashta
There are three gunas or qualities : rajas, tamas and sattva. He
represents sattva guna.
The Bhagavad Gita 10.36 says,
Sattvam sattva vataam aham.
He is the sattva guna in righteous or noble people.
He also resides in all beings hence he is called sattvastah.
This teaches us that we must embrace sattva guna in order to realsie the
Also, Santi iti sattva
Sattva refers to jivatma.
Stah – stands or resides.
He resides in the jivatma hence he is sattvastha.
489. Simhaḥ:
Himsati iti simha
He destroys those who stay tied to rajo and
tamo guna.
He bestows karma phala impartially.
Shinasti iti simha
He destroys everything. He destroys evil in us,
he destroys darkness during creation and he destroys us during pralaya.
490. Bhūtamaheśvaraḥ:
Bhuta + maha + ishvara
The biggest controller of bhuta
Bhutanaam mahaan ishvarah.
The supreme Lord of all beings.
Bhutena satyena sa eva paramatma mahaan
ishvarah iti bhuta maheshvarah.
He is the lord of all beings (bhuta). He is the
biggest lord since bhuta kala (since anadi kaala)
491. Ādidevaḥ:
He who is the first of all beings. He is the
first deity.
All other beings have come from Him.
The Lord is not governed by nature where
everything has an origin. He is adi deva meaning he has no origin.
He just is.
Adi(ancient, first) + Deva (shakti, light,
He creates the universe and sustains and
destroys it. He is the cause of creation.
The devas who have been created later are the effect.
Vishnu is the cause, the jnana and everything else is the effect.
Adatte iti adi the one who accepts what we offer to him.
De - dadati means he gives it back to us.
Va- vartate means he exists everywhere
Whatever we offer to him, wherever we offer to Him he adds his grace to
it and gives it back to us manifold, he exists everywhere so that we may make
our offering anywhere, hence he is adidevah.
492. Mahādevaḥ:
He is not only the first he is also above all and his greatness consists
in His supreme self-knowledge. Hence he is mahadevah.
Also, Mahada + ee + va
Mahada means he eats everything. During pralaya he eats everthing or
absorbs everything into himself.
Ee means shri or lakshmi ( aa refers to the lord, ee refers to lakshmi)
Va means vartayati
During pralaya he dissolves everything except Lakshmi. Lakshmi exists as
493. Deveśaḥ:
He is the lord of all Devas, being the most important among them.
Pradhaanyena devanaam isha devesha.
He is the leader of all devas and is superior to all the devas. Hence he
is devesha.
He is the consciousness or antaratma in all other Gods.
Deva (gods) + e (like/ desire) +
sha (happiness)
He bestows all the happiness on devas which they desire.
We can also get that grace if we imbibe all the qualities of the devas.
494. Devabhṛd-:
Brut means to nourish
He governs the Devas and nourishes them hence he is Devabhrut.
If we earn the jnana and bring it under our control we can also realise
Him and grow to great heights.
495. Guruḥ
Grunhati iti guru
Girati iti guru; the teacher who
swallows what the student brings(ajnana). The student brings ignorance, the
guru swallows that and gives him knowledge.
Hence the lord is Guru.
Also, deva brud guruh means he also promulgates knowledge to all the
devas and assigns them duties and protects them.
The Lord is also Indra's Guruh.
Brihaspati is also known as Guru
He is the knowledge giver to Brahaspati
Jai shri Krishna!
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