Thursday, 1 October 2020

Verse 53


उत्तरो गोपतिर्गोप्ता ज्ञानगम्यः पुरातनः ।

शरीर भूतभृद्भोक्ता कपींद्रो भूरिदक्षिणः ।।

 uttarō gōpatirgōptā jñānagamya purātana |
śarīrabhūtabhdbhōktā kapīndrō bhūridakia ||


496. Uttara:

Uttara means solution or answer.

When we are in doubt, he provides the solution.

One who is Uttirna or liberated from Samsara.

Janma samsara bandhanaat uttarati iti uttarah

He liberates from the cycle of life and death of this samsara.

Uth means growth upwards, uth, uttara,  uttama (degrees)

He pulls us towards him.

Tara means tarana or journey.

He facilitates the journey towards Him.

Sarvot utkrista iti vaa

He is higher than all. Yet he does not hesitate to come to our aid when we need him.

The Bhagavad Gita 12.7 says,

tesam aham samuddharta mrtyu-samsara-sagarat
bhavami na cirat partha mayy avesita-cetasam

Those who have fixed their mind upon Him, he will swiftly deliver them from the ocean of birth and death.

The lesson for us is that, our mind is all kinds of thoughts, and these thoughts rock our boat which will take us across the samsara sagara. Meditating upon the name of the lord keeps our boat from be wrecked. 


497. Gōpati:

Go means cows. Gopatih refers to Krishna who tends the cattle in the form of a Gopa.

Go also means bhumi, he protects the bhumi . He is the master of the earth.

Go patih – ga means jnana, he is the lord of jnana

Go comes from gam -gacchati – he is lord of everything that moves, namely, the living beings, planetary objects which are perpetually moving, our indriyas which wander towards material objects, mind which keeps wandering from one thought to another, atma which moves from one body to another. He is the pathih or lord of all these.

Go ( the knowledge ) + pa ( protects) + ta (tanothi – gets whatever they want)  

The best way to protect the knowledge is to spread it to others.  Those who spread the knowledge especially about Him, and therefore protects it, are bestowed by whatever they desire especially peace and happiness.


498. Gōptā:

He is the protector of all beings.

Gopta comes from gup which means to hide

We have to realise that all this jnana is gopta (secret)

He hides himself through his maya and only his devotees are able to realise Him.

Gup also means to protect. Hence he is gopta as he protects all the beings whom he creates.     


499. Jñānagamya:

He can be realised only through atma jnana hence he is jnana gamya. The jnana that jivatma and paramatma are one and our goal (gamya) is Him.

Na karmanaa na jnana karmabhyam vaa gmyatee kintu jnanena gamyate iti jnana gamya

We can realise Him through spiritual knowledge and not just by rituals or studying about it. Without atma jnana or knowledge of the self, merely having a knowledge of rituals, vedas and shastras is not enough.

Dve vidye veditavye iti yat brahmavido vadanti para cha apara cha.

There are two vidya, para and apara.

Tatra apara Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda, shiksha, kalpa, nirukta, vyakaram, chandam, jyotishim, iti

We can obtain jnana through this learning the scriptures and rituals. But apara vidya cannot help us realise the lord.

Para vidya is through our sadhana and only that leads us to Him. Manana, Sharvana, Dhyana, Japa and Nidhidhyasana are the only way to reach Him. 


500. Purātana:

Puratana means He is ancient and is not held in the confines or constraints of time. 

Kalena aparichchinnatvaat pura api bhavati iti puratanah

He has existed before anything else and he has been giving us knowledge and protecting us in every cycle (kalpa).

The lord is without any beginning or any end, he is not goverened by time and has existed before it.  


501. Śarīrabhūtabhd:

Sharira means body; bhuta means the elements or tattvas; bhrut means supports.

The body is made of panch maha bhootas : earth, fire, water, air, ether. He supports the five elements which are the basic structure of all beings, hence he is sharira bhuta brit.

Shariraambhaka bhutanaam bharanaat praanrupadharah sharira bhuta brit.

In addition, he also supports the 24 tattvas – pancha maha bhutas, panch tanmatras, panch jnanendriyas, panch karmendriyas, the mind, ego, intellect and prakriti (manas, chitti, buddhi, ahamkara).   

The jnana that we accumulate through sadhana can keep these 24 elements in control. When we are able to control the body, we realise that we are not this body.


502. Bhōktā:

Bhokta means the one who protects or one who is the enjoyer of infinite bliss.

Bhunakti means supports

Palakatvaat bhokta, means he supports everyone, hence he is bhokta.

Also, bhunkte means enjoys.

Paramananda sandoha sambhogaat vaa bhokta. He is the enjoyer of pure joy or supreme bliss. Hence he is bhogta.

Whatever we offer to him with bhakti, he enjoys our offerings. He also reveals to us the path to true happiness and rids us of undesirable attributes like ahamkara and mamakara.

Hence whatever we do, must be dedicated to him as Ishwara samarpane and whatever we receive we must accept with prasada bhava.


503. Kapīndra:

Kapi means Varaha (boar). The Lord or Indra who manifested as Varaha or the Boar in the Varaha avatar.

Kapischa asau indrashcha iti kapir varaha varaham vapuraasthitah kapindrah

Kapi also means monkey. He was the lord or Indra of the monkeys or vanaras in his Rama avatar, hence he is called kapindra.

Kapinaam varanam indrah kapindrah raghavo vaa


Also, Ka comes from kam which means jala or water.

pi means pibati  or to drink

The lord or Indra of the one who drinks all water – the sun. hence it refers to the lord of the sun, who is lord Vishnu

It means that it is possible to achieve control over the mind with the lord’s help.

Realised jivatma is one who knows that he is atma Chaitanya and not the body and buddhi is Indra. And realised soul or jivatma controls the mind (Chandra) with the buddhi (sun) , Surya, the one we meditate on and Chandra who keeps our mind calm.


504. Bhūridakia:

Bhuri means innumerable

One to whom numerous Dakshinas or offerings are made in Yajnas.

Bhurayo bahvayah yajna dakshina dharma maryadaam darshayatah yajnam kurvatah vidyanta iti bhuri dakshinah

The lord also performs various yajnas( like the rajasooya yajna or ashwamedha yajna) to protect dharma, and gives away numerous offerings during the yajnas hence he is bhuri dakshina.


In turn, the jivatma can also offer the heaven and its pleasures back  to him as dakshina and request only for moksha.


Jai Shri Krishna!

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