Maha Lakshmi
(Central Energy Channel),
Maha Saraswati
(Right Energy Channel) and
Maha Kali (Left
Energy Channel).
These energies
mold together to generate the ultimate source of energy as Ma Durga.The Supreme
power and the mother of all Gods and Goddesses, Maa Durga is the ultimate
primordial being and establishes the supremacy of goodness over evil. The
Durga-stuti evokes the divine mother in all the forms in which she is manifested in all existence.
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Maatru rupena samasthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of universal mother
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Shakti rupena samasthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of energy
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Buddhi rupena samasthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of intellegence
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Laxmi rupena samasthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of true wealth
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Trishna rupena samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of desire
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Chaya rupena samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of comfort
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Vishnu mayeti samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of vishnu maya
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Nidra rupena samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of sleep
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Shraddha rupena samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of faith
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Shanti rupena samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of peace
Ya Devi Sarva Bhutesu Tushti rupena samsthita
To the Divine Goddess who resides in
all existence in the form of contentment
Namestasyai II Namestasyai II Namestasyai
Namo Namah II
We bow to her, we bow to her, continually we bow to her.
Ma Durga looks beautiful. Happy Dussehra to you.