Saturday, 11 July 2015

Indu Yanage Govinda...

This song was composed by Sri Guru Raghavendra Swami who was considered a reincarnation of Prahlada, the son of Hiranyakasyapu and an ardent devotee of Maha Vishnu. The Lord took the form of "Narasimha" to vanquish Hiranyakasyapu and save his devotee Prahlada.

This song was sung by Guru Raghavendra Swami at the temple of Lord Krishna at Udupi and it is believed that the Lord appeared before the Guru after listening to his song.

1 comment:

  1. My Goodness, how did i miss this post of yours? Indu Yanage Govinda is one of my most favorite song. I love the one which is sung by S Janaki. The way she has sung it , evokes a zillion emotions. "nondenayya bhava bandhanadolu siluki .. such a meaningful line. Awesome.
